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Free play is a form of play where children have the freedom to choose and direct their activities without structured instructions or restrictions from adults!

Sensory play is a wonderful play that offers younger children essential education and support in their development!

Messy play is a fantastic sensory activity that offers endless fun and learning for children!

Στο Arts&Crafts γινόμαστε μικροί ζωγράφοι και ανακαλύπτουμε διάφορες τεχνικές ζωγραφικής, χρησιμοποιώντας ποικιλία υλικών, εμπνευσμένα από την μουσική και πολλούς γνωστούς καλλιτέχνες!

Στη Κηπουρική γινόμαστε μικροί κηπουροί, δημιουργούμε τα δικά μας γλαστράκια και μαθαίνουμε τη φροντίδα ενός ζωντανού οργανισμού!

Play Therapy, also known as Therapeutic Play, is a specialized form of psychotherapy designed for children.

Music and movement games are a delightful and educational activity that combines music with physical movement.

Theatrical play is an activity that allows children to explore their imagination, develop their creativity, and express their emotions through play and role-playing.

Play Therapy, also known as Therapeutic Play, is a specialized form of psychotherapy designed for children.

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